Guarantor's Personal Responsibility in Case of Coexistence of Material Guarantee and Credit Guarantee 论物的担保与保证并存时保证人的责任
In the PWR financing process, with the help of the storage company as its third-party guarantor, PWR can avoid the financial risks effectively, and in a relative long time, it can solve our current problem of inadequate credit system. 在仓单质押融资业务过程中,它通过仓储企业作为第三方担保人,有效地规避了金融风险,可以在相当长的一段时间里,解决我国目前信用体系不健全的问题。
And the bank as the middleman and guarantor of credit, throughout this whole trade link, is the carrier of capital flows. 而银行作为信用的中间人和担保人,贯穿这整个贸易往来的环节,是资金流动的载体。